April 19, 2009

Research Paper: Post Three

Given that Moorish influence in Spain ended too early to be considered a viable option for this research paper, I've decided to dedicate my portion of this research project to Ireland. More specifically, English control of Ireland. To begin with, here are some dates selected from a timeline (found here)

450 Saint Patrick converts Ireland to Christianity.
1169 Norman Invasion, puts Ireland under nominal English control.
1315 Edward Bruce, brother of Robert I of Scotland, attempts to drive English out of Ireland.
1536 Henry VIII of England begins reconquest of Ireland under Protestant rule.
1594-1603 Nine Years War: English conquer Northern Ireland and assume control of Ulster.
1641 Catholic Uprisings during English Civil War; massacre of Protestants in Ulster.
1649 Oliver Cromwell invades Ireland—infamous Siege of Drogheda.
1688-1691 Williamite War in Ireland, following the "Glorious Revolution" in Britain.
1691 Penal laws enforced which oppress, dispossess Irish Catholics.
1782 Henry Grattan establishes independent Irish Parliament.
1798 Irish rebellion.
1801 Ireland (unwillingly) merged into the "United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland";
1829 Catholics allowed to vote.
1893 Parnell's Home Rule Bill defeated by small majority.
1916 Easter Rising in Dublin, raises sympathy for Irish Rebels.
1919-1921 Irish War of Independence.
1922 Partition of Ireland: Formation of Irish Free State.

-More information on St. Patrick: here and here
-Norman Invasion: here and here
-Obviously, the conflict between Protestantism/Catholicism came to a head under the reign of Henry VIII, who founded the Church of England. This conflict led to and enduring rivalry between the two religions manifesting themselves in persecution and oppression.
-Nine Years War: here
-Siege of Drogheda: here and here
-Williamite War: here and here
-More info to follow on penal laws in Ireland
-Parnell/Home Rule: here, here, and here

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