April 24, 2009

Ethnic Cleansing and the Future

Danielle's blog post about ethnic cleansing reminded me of a question posed to us in class, which I cannot remember exactly but basically said "Will this ever stop?"

Leigh responded by saying that sure, eventually yes, which I agreed with. While discussing French-Algerian-Italians, I thought a lot about biraciality, a group of people who are just being recognized on official forms (think college applications). Then I thought about the our children's generation. Bi might become Quad and so on until it is impossible to identify solely on ethnicity. In this way, I think ethnic cleansing (thankfully) has a very dim future. Although there are those who still preach "pureness of bloodline" and reject inter-racial marriage, I feel like the majority of people could be moving away from this traditional, purist view.

But then I thought of religion. Will the divisions in religion undergo the same syncretism? Possibly? There is a growing amount of people nowadays who have been born into two different religions. This, of course, is only in my small version of the world, namely the SF Bay Area where religion is not of the highest importance in most people's minds. I can see, though, religious disagreement becoming the vehicle through which violence is conducted. Already, in several places this is happening, for when we can no longer draw boundaries of blood, what can we fight about?

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